Farming with a view

Luss Estates’ interests in traditional hill farming stretch back over generations. Our Home Farm encompasses areas of Glen Fruin, Auchengavin, Tullich and Firkin and stretches over 5,000 Ha (12, 300 acres) of hill and marginal land.

“Major investment by Luss Estates has taken place over recent years in order to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of our farming business and to achieve accordance with best agricultural and conservation practice. This investment has included work by local contractors on buildings, wader-grazed grassland, grassland conservation, habitat mosaics, peatland restoration, liming and fencing renewals”


Glen Fruin

We’ve been farming in Glen Fruin for hundreds of years. Our home farm is based in the centre of the glen at Ballyvoulin, and from there our Farm Team look after our herd of 130 Luing cattle and 3,500 hill and inbye sheep on over 12,000 acres of in-hand farmland.

Our Farm team are highly-skilled in stockmanship and Luss Estates are fortunate and extremely proud to have their expertise at the heart of our rural operation.



Tullich and Firkin

Situated in the northern part of Luss Estates, Tullich and Firkin represents some of our most challenging terrain. In 2019, the Estate entered a Woodland Improvement Grant Scheme and erected some 4,200 metres of stock fence in order to exclude livestock from native woodland and SSSIs and thus encourage natural regeneration, in conjunction with deer control. See our Case Study on Woodland Improvement Grants here.



Glen Luss

In the heart of the estate, we utilise a small area of hill for sheep and cattle. Parts of Glen Luss such as Lady’s Wood are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and we go to great lengths to ensure a delicate balance between our farming enterprise and conservation objectives.